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Beta 1 3 D Glucan

Newly discovered natural substance is gaining fame as a potent immune system booster, skin allergy repairer and anti ageing.

Beta Glucan actually has it's origin in drugs. During the 1940's, Dr Louis Pillemer found that a drug called Zymosan could activate the immune response against any type of invader: virus, bacteria or tumour! In the 60's, Dr Nicholas DiLuzia revealed that the critical ingredient in the drug was - Beta-l,3-D-Glucan, a natural substance, derived from the cell walls of baker's yeast! [Although it is derived from yeast, it can be safely used by people with yeast allergies - Beta Glucan is an isolate and as such, contains no yeast protein.]

Anyway - it was not until the late 1980's that Dr Czop of Harvard University solved the mystery of how it works.

He found specific receptor sites for Beta Glucan - the 1,3 linkage of the cell to be precise -that matched sites on the surface of a macrophage. When Beta Glucan locks onto it's macrophage receptor site, this activates it's immune-stimulating powers.

Macrophages [the word literally means 'big eaters'], are the immune system's first line of defence. Produced in the bone marrow, they travel throughout the body, engulfing and consuming antigens. Antigens are foreign molecules that can - and often do - destroy healthy cells. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, chemicals, undigested food proteins and cancer cells are examples of Antigens.

Macrophages not only consume Antigens, they also stimulate the production of immune supporting substances in the bone marrow and assist T-cells to recognise antigens. T-cells mature in the thymus gland, then circulate through the immune system where they fight antigens directly, tell other cells about antigens and regulate immune response. They also include natural killer cells that destroy antigens.

So Beta Glucan has powerful antioxidant and free radical scavenging capabilities. Working with the bone marrow's immune fighters, one would imagine it well able to deal with leukaemia type of cancers, as they are particularly due to a lack of macrophage and T-cell activity/recognition of antigens.

It is also radio-protective, activating macrophages that scavenge debris and cellular breakdown caused by radiation we are exposed to on a daily basis through travel, x-rays, mammograms, computers, TV's, high tension power lines and of course, radiation treatments.

Beta Glucan also has what is called an adjutant effect, that is, the ability to help other substances do their work more effectively.

It even boosts Retin-A's anti-ageing effect on the skin. Plus, Beta Glucan aids in wound healing.

Controlled studies have found startling evidence of it's effectiveness. For example:

In a well controlled study, the US Armed Forces Radiobiology Institute gave lethal doses of radiation to rats, followed by an oral dose of Beta Glucan, which completely protected 70% of the rats from the effects of radiation.

After Dr Peter Mansell of the McGill University Research Unit in Victoria Hospital, Montreal, injected Beta Glucan into subcutaneous nodules of malignant melanoma, the only thing subsequent biopsies of the sites found was a collection of activated macrophages. No evidence of melanoma remained.

During the mid 1980's, the first human study on Beta Glucan's systemic [whole body rather than isolated parts] effect was conducted on patients with advanced HIV infection. Beta Glucan increased immune system activity even in those with severe immune deficiency.

Dr Myra Patchen discovered that Beta Glucan protects blood macrophages from free radical attack during and after radiation. Subsequent evaluations have confirmed Beta. Glucan's extraordinary antioxidant powers.

Usage. Beta Glucan is natural safe, non-toxic and does not react adversely with any pharmacological drug. As it is an isolate derived from yeast, it does not trigger any allergic reaction. Although Beta Glucan can be derived from barley, oats or from mushroom varieties, only the specific 1,3 type, from baker's yeast, exerts a direct effect on the macrophage receptor site. The 1,3 is the specific linkage recognised by the receptor - others, such as 1,4 and 1,6 form different molecules.


Beta Glucan could be the ultimate anti-ageing substance. The epidermis - the outer layer of the skin - contains up to five percent of macrophages, known as Langerhans cells. With age, the immune system does not respond as efficiently and the skin's ability to heal itself and deal with infection declines.

When applied topically, Beta Glucan appears to protect Langerhans cells and help them become more resistant to damage - including UV damage. Beta Glucan may also protect against skin cancer.

Perhaps the most exciting news of all is Beta Glucan's cosmetic effect, clearly demonstrated in one study involving 150 women ranging in age from 35 to 60. For 8 weeks, twice daily, the participants applied an exfoliating toner containing saticytic acid, followed by a cream containing 10 mg Beta Glucan per 30 ml. The toner removed the superficial layer of dead skin cells and the Beta Glucan was actively drawn to Langerhans cells. The results were exceptional, revealing a 27% improvement in skin hydration and colour, a 47% improvement in lines and wrinkles and a 60% improvement in firmness and elasticity.

I suggest that the same results would be gained with just a fascial scrub instead of the saticytic acid, followed by the application of the Beta Glucan cream.

At this time, Beta Glucan is not freely available in Australia. It can ordered from the US, from websites like

Costs are around:
90x200mg capsules for $ 38.00 plus postage
Bulk powder 40 gm for $ 60.00 200 gm for $225.00
Beta-l,3D-Glucan Healing Cream
20gm for $ 20.00 all plus postage.
Available in Australia from NatureHealer PO BOX 393 Byron Bay 2481. Ph/fax 02 6684 9143.

My thanks also to Nature & Health Magazine for their article on Beta Glucan. I do not have first-hand evidence of all the above research. Nevertheless, I feel it has important enough potential to report it to you.


Dong Quai was first mentioned in Chinese herbal literature dating back to about 500 BC. Also called Chinese Angelica [angelica sinensis syn. A. polymorpha], Dong Quai is quite a marvellous herb.

Although it is almost as good as Maca in respect to hormonal balancing, it has many other qualities as well. It is a wonderful invigorating tonic, helps to regulate menstruation, improves circulation and 'tones' the blood. It helps with constipation, conditions the heart, liver, the nervous and circulatory systems.

Dong Quai contains high levels of phyto-estrogens, or plant oestrogen - active ingredients like coumarin, which has, among other properties, antispasmodic effects and contains high levels of vitamin E.

Chinese angelica has a sweet, pungent aroma that is very distinctive and in China it is often used in cooking as well. Speaking of cooking:

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